The Purpose of Art

Picasso once said that the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. The dust of daily life, is no more than tiny particles of skin, which if left unwashed, would cause us harm. We need to keep our souls clean. So I would let the children see art, no matter what a self seeking publicist, Jake Chapman, who pretends to create art, may say.  Continue reading

Imperfect expression of perfect thoughts

I try, in these essays, to formulate and develop ideas that cross my mind. It is a hard process because a thought may be perfect but the expression of it will almost inevitably be imperfect. “Ideas often flash across our minds more complete than we could make them after much labour.” Continue reading

A gentleman in the park

I do not think artists or curators of art should try to explain the art. The art should speak for itself in my mind and if it needs an explanation then the art has failed in its fundamental purpose of trying to communicate. Communication is, after all, the keystone of all creative processes. Continue reading