Corrupt Politicians

Politics always brings us scandals; despite the press attention to corruption in the UK, politicians cannot seem to learn that if use their memberships of the House of Commons or of the House of Lords to feather their nests, they are likely to be caught, exposed and disgraced. The simpler course of action is to imitate the behaviour of Tony Blair. In office he was “Teflon Tony” – no dirt ever seemed to stick to him. Once out of office he has used the connections and fame he acquired as a result of being a politician to amass a sizeable fortune They is, of course, no hint of corruption if you use the information and contacts you obtained during office bestowed democratically, after your period in office has ended. It is as good a way to amass a fortune as any, but nevertheless leaves a bitter taste in the mouth for those that watch.

2 Responses

  1. This is an important message for all who are interested in behing the scenes corruption at the highest levels of governments.

    Did you know that this agreement will impose very strict Internet copyright rules, banning all “Buy American” laws, and gives Wall Street banks much more freedom to trade risky derivatives and force even more domestic manufacturing offshore? If you have not heard about this treaty, don’t feel bad.

    Obama has refused to even give Congress a copy of the draft agreement and he has banned members of Congress from attending the negotiations. The plan is to keep this treaty secret until the very last minute and then to railroad it through Congress and have it signed into law by October.

    The treaty is known as “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the nations that are reported to be involved in the development of this treaty include the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia. Opponents of this treaty refer to it as “the NAFTA of the Pacific”, and if it is enacted it will push the deindustrialization of America into overdrive.

    Watch the Uk follow suit in an attempt to cover up what is going on under yet another fair trade distraction, to try to jump start, not the Uk markets but the slave labour paradigms, who are also beginning to show signs of slowing down. Of course it will remove even more of home grown manufacturing and move vast amounts of ours and the less fortunates wealth in the opposite direction it should be travelling once again.

    We are now moving into the final phase of the stealing by the giants, who simply will never admit their greed and mistakes, and will make the whole pay for their deviousness.

    It will be yet another October Revolution upon the wholes labour.

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