How Global Warming will make the British Winters Colder

I promised yesterday to explain how with global warming increasing at a rapid rate we might find some places, like the United Kingdom and North West Europe getting much colder than normal. It is possible (and probably likely) that global warming will leave a legacy of more and more snowy icy winters in the United Kingdom.

The important thing here is to look at the latitude of the United Kingdom. It is at the same latitude as Newfoundland and much of Siberia, which places have incredibly cold winters. Traditionally the United Kingdom has warm winters for its latitude and the reason for this is the North Atlantic Ocean Circulation System.

The ocean currents in the North Atlantic travel approximately from the Caribbean to the shores of the British Isles. In three dimensions they constitute a conveyor belt, which is partly driven by the effect of the earth’s rotation, but mostly by the greater energies created by differences in water temperatures. We call this the Gulf Stream and it warms the British Isles. If the Gulf Stream shut off the British Isles would have winters as cold as those of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Gulf Stream operates in the Atlantic Ocean – the saltiest and coldest of the large oceans. Warm water from the tropical region of the ocean is forced north at the surface, bringing heat, like a giant heat exchanger, to the British Isles.

When the current reaches the southern part of Greenland and Western Norway it has discharged much of its heat and is saltier and therefore denser than the cold waters into which it mixes.

The current sinks (a process called overturning) and travels back at the bottom of the sea until it reaches the Caribbean, where it warms up again rises to the surface and the process continues.

All of this is perfectly consistent with the laws of physics and thermodynamics and is not scientifically controversial, as far as I know.

Now what is also not controversial is that if you mix a dense salty current (like that of the Gulf Stream as it overturns) with fresh water (which is less dense) you slow the overturning process down and possibly stop the current altogether. We do not know the precise levels of fresh water that will stop the Gulf Stream, but there is some geological evidence that the Gulf Stream has already stopped rapidly in previous eons.

Generally scientists tend to the view that stopping the Gulf Stream altogether is unlikely, but slowing it down is probable, if the climate continues to warm.

It is clear that the more freshwater you add, the more you slow down the Gulf Stream and a slowed down Gulf Stream will provide less heat to North West Europe. A stopped Gulf Stream will provide no heat at all.

How does climate change fit into this? It is established that climate change is causing more rainfall in the temperate and northern parts of the world, adding more fresh water into the sea that the sea has traditionally received. We also know that glaciers and ice reserves in the northern regions are melting, thereby bringing an additional source of fresh water to the North Atlantic.

Twelve thousand years ago (give or take the odd millennium) NASA believes that the Gulf Stream shut down because of the melting glaciers bringing so much freshwater to the North Atlantic. If it stopped today certainly several billion people in the northern hemisphere would perish. As I have said that is extremely unlikely, but if the Gulf Stream does slow down it will because global warming has melted glaciers and created more rainfall injecting more fresh water in the ocean.

In the British Isles we would experience deeper colder and bitterer winters because the Gulf Stream would bring us less heat. That is how global warming can make the winters in Britain longer harder and colder.

8 Responses

  1. > Twelve thousand years ago (give or take the odd millennium) NASA believes that the Gulf Stream shut down because of the melting glaciers bringing so much freshwater to the North Atlantic.

    The prevailing hypothesis is that it was due to Lake Agassiz bursting its banks, sending thousands of cubic km in to the Atlantic.

    There doesn’t appear to be any credible predictions that the current melt of the Arctic is going to slow the thermohaline / Gulf Stream sufficiently to cause Britain to freeze.

  2. Again there is also real evidence from NASA that several of the outer planets are also loosing their polar ice caps rapidly but they have no human influences, Mars’s ice caps and the ice moons of jupiter, called IO is now completely thawed out and a liquid entity.

    One scenario that is always left out of any global climate debate is that of particulates in the air at any given time, for this we need to go back in time and look at the historical and geological, vulcanology, Ice Core Data and polar reversal data in the rocks, the magnetic north is shifting rapidly and is weaker today than at any other time in recorded histroy, it has happened on many occasions before we were not even an entity in any numbers then, add.

    Natural volcanic debris collates to a 100 times more particulate pollution than all of us humans and our entire animal farm put together, that and what we are producing on top of that is one of the key facors in climate change, add.

    Modrn diesel and heavy Nox engines used on the large container ships and what types of propulsions that were used prior to the modern era, sail etc,makes up a huge difference, and globalisation is the key facor in the use of these modern modes of transport, add.

    Seeding the clouds via huge industrial complexes like China today and our own industrial revolution back in Victoria times does just this and should be included in any debate, the early revolution in Europe caused many problems with acid rain which was destroying large tracts of forests in Scandinavia which I vividly remember being reported 40 years ago when I was at school, the pollution from Chernobyl created many problems all those miles away with our lamb sales from the farm in a very short time as the wind carried it quickly, add.

    It all culminates in more rain and cloud cover, and causes loss of valuble heat for ripening crops, global dimming is the known effect from pollution not Co2, for those who don’t know air consists of 78% nitrogen but this is rarely mentioned either, an innert gas which is a cooler than the other 32% of which oxygen is the greater of the latter, leaving Co2 at the bottom of the atmospheric contents.

    We must put all these eggs and more into the basket before we can even start to work out what we still do not know the positive answers to.

    Touching on the gulf stream, a scientist at the univercity of Newcatle England has been closely monotoring the salinity and temp of the altlantic conveyor, the large plooms of cold water sinks or shafts that were plentyfull 10 years ago are now down to a very few which is having an effect on the water circulating, its also down to the salinity not solely the temprature.

    An experiment we can all do at home is and one I have done several times is, the next time there is a thunderstorm and the clouds are black beauties collect the rainfall in a clean large pyrex dish and then inspect the sample afterwards, and you will see the particulates that the moisture has adheared to them in order for that rain to form in the bottom of the container.

    Remember Co2 makes up tiny numbers which is a clear gas which the suns rays can go straight through, pollution in the form of dark dirty clouds prevents the rays from getting through the ground, you can witness the physical effects of this as the clouds suddenty cover the sun, thus we will cool down,

    Millions of years ago the growing conditions for alge bloom was just right, the intense heat that produced this scenario is what is now being released once again in a giant reaction as is the destruction of our own narural carbon sync in the destruction of our rain forests, the overall balance needs addressing, until we go back over it will only escallate.

  3. Touching on pollution again if I may, for many years our chemical industrial complex had dumped many millions of barrels of god knows what kinds of waste into the depths of our seas and oceans, again pollution,

    This causes long term effects that will one day escape and flow out of its containment and around the planet on the underwater currents, something that has not yet been tried and tested upon fully,

    All that prime steel from the barrels and all the tonnage of war time steel which has gone straight to the bottom, waste in making it and loosing it, shame on us all.

    The Military industrial based complex is today wasting more energy and polluting in the name of death and power on an even greater scale then we have ever invisaged before, wasting valuble energy getting at what energy is left, in the name of greed.

    I don’t hold much hope for humanity in the long term, the film Terminator says it all, yet there may be some kind of hope if we can simply start loving thy neighbour, instead of fighting each other over a global warming issue, which is not where all of our problems lie.

  4. And last but not least, alternative energies also pollute our enviornment but claw back more than they waste and thus replenish the system with cleaner energies like that of planting trees does and collecting and harnessing the free energy to use again.

    The general consensus says you can make windmills out of steel but you cannot make steel from the windmills, we would be much better off having many millions of solar pannels with much more energy efficient appliances which will run off of these systems than waste huge amounts of energy making things bigger, bigger is not always better, smaller and more of a much simpler easy to service entity is far bater for the whole.

    The main advantage that nature has over human modes of manufacture is that nature works and makes most of what she needs at room temprature,

    Scientist David Suzuki has worked it out that enough solar power reaches and shines upon the planet, that could be harnessed and give us twelve times our entire planetary needs in any given 24 hours period, now that is the biggest waste know to man kind,

    We have been doing it 24-7 for the last 150 years, and the last 30 with no excuses whatsoever, so I can relate to where Robert is comming from as one of the founding members of still yet an infant alternative for change, if we open our eyes and think in a longer term mentality, it will become much cheaper for all of us in the future.

  5. > …there is also real evidence from NASA that several of the outer planets are also loosing their polar ice caps…

    No, there isn’t. That’s one of the older Denier myths.

    I didn’t bother reading any further in to your comments.

  6. David Cognito wrote:

    That’s one of the older Denier myths.

    I didn’t bother reading any further in to your comments

    I am not a denier David, one gets his or her information as and where they can and all the links from your links say that indeed there have been changes on mars over the last decade or so.…203..892P

    Not once did I mention where or why this was happening, read all of my minutes properly and you will see more and why I think that the mother planet is now speaking to us, or is what our eyes can see mere speculation too, LOL.

    I’m willing to learn from my mine or anyone elses mistakes.

    There is so much speculation around today that non of us have all the answers, but I willing to listen to anyone and read anything they want to say.

    We all know what thought did don’t we, including myself.

  7. With reference to global warming, which unfortunately so long as governments are considering Cap and Trade and CO2 taxes, is still with us.

    There might be global warming or cooling but the important issue is whether we, as a human race, can do anything about it.

    There are a host of porkies and not very much truth barraging us everyday so its difficult to know what to believe.

    I think I have simplified the issue in an entertaining way on my blog which includes some issues connected with climategate and “embarrassing” evidence.

    In the pipeline is an analysis of the economic effects of the proposed emission reductions. Watch this space or should I say Blog

    Please feel welcome to visit and leave a comment.



    • Truth is always elusive and when we find it we often fail to recognise it.

      Can we change global warming? Well, I think we have done so far, and even if we cannot change it, we ought to stop fuelling it!

      Good luck with your blog.


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